green smoothie

AOAD Green Detox Smoothie

Green Detox Smoothie with Ginger & Lemon

In my last post, I mentioned that I’m doing a bit of a detox to jolt myself back into a healthy routine. I typically do a few intensely healthy days after a really busy stretch of time where I’ve struggled to stay on track. My routine includes a few “detox” smoothies that I love to…

Brussels Sprouts at Sunrise

Brussels Sprouts at Sunrise Smoothie

Brussels sprouts are everywhere this time of year. They sell them on the stalk, almost like a flower arrangement deserving to be placed in a fancy foyer. After months void of sprouts, it’s tempting to buy Brussels in bulk! The problem is… sometimes you’re left with way too many! I mean, how many days in…

Garden Smoothie

Green Garden Smoothie

It’s that wonderful time of year where backyard gardens are overflowing with delicious bounty. My mom, who I’m currently visiting, is picking more vegetables than we can possibly eat… ever! So this garden smoothie has really come in handy. My garden smoothie is basically the garbage disposal of smoothies; I just throw in whatever leftover…