Crystals Night

My Night Routine

My nighttime routine isn’t so much a “routine,” as it is a guideline. I always do the same things, just not always at the same time or in the following order.

I am naturally a night owl, so staying up late is so easy… too easy!

A solid nighttime routine helps me to, sort of, mentally prepare for bed. Otherwise I’d be up until 2 am!

My goal is to adjust certain aspects of the routine so I can be more consistent and feel encouraged to get into bed earlier!

Just like a morning routine, having a plan and sticking to it is a great way to stay organized and productive, and to ensure that I get enough sleep!

Here is the current routine with my hopeful additions included:


– 9:00 –

I sleep better when the house is organized, so I spend a bit of time tidying up. I wash any remaining dishes, put the dry dishes away, and tidy-up kitchen and living room.

While I’m at it, I’ll prep for the morning: I’ll cut and organize my smoothie ingredients, placing the frozen ones in a container in the freezer, and soaking any nuts that I’ll use for the “milk”.

I’ll set up my bialetti so it’s ready for morning brew.

Lastly, I’ll prepare any snacks for Arie to take work.

I try to meal plan each Sunday, so I have a good idea of what I need to make.


– 9:30 –

Shower time! I always take a shower at night. It makes the most sense to clean off any dirt from the day prior to getting into bed. My bed should be a sanctuary, and I want it as fresh as possible!

Before hopping in, I’ll spend a few minutes dry brushing to assist lymphatic drainage. Most days I’ll do the usual (shampoo, conditioner, soap), but a few times a week I’ll go the extra mile with a body scrub, a face scrub, and a hearty foot pumice.

Night Routine Candle
– 9:45 –

Feeling like new, I’ll change into my PJ – my favorite time of the day! I love pajamas!

Then I relax with either a glass of wine or sleepy time tea.

Even though sleep specialists recommend not drinking wine before bed, I still do it because I love. Ugh… I am trying to drink more tea instead.

Part of my nightly relaxation comes from my skincare routine, it really helps me transition from a hectic day to bedtime.

Currently my routine is as follows:

  1. Brush my hair with my new favorite brush
  2. Apply a prescription retinoid
  3. Apply a combination of face oil (one & two)
  4. Use my rose quartz facial roller for a little face massage
  5. Eye cream
  6. Hair oil


– 10:00 –

Ideally I’d get into bed at this point, and maybe read a bit, but lets be real: I usually spend the remainder of my evening on my computer doing something productive or writing out various to-do lists (while catching up on Netflix). I need to organize my mind on paper to really feel settled.

This is one of the major changes that I hope to make to my nightly routine. I would love to read more and actually go to bed by 10:00!


– 11:00 – 11:30 –

Before climbing in bed, I’ll drink a full cup of water. We often wake up dehydrated, so it’s important to drink water before bed. Just don’t drink too much water, or you’ll be waking up in the middle of the night to pee!


What time do you typically go to bed? Any tips for a night owl like me?


Night Routine

The post My Night Routine first appeared on An Olive a Day

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