
Three Floral Milks

Three Floral Milks to Sip on This Winter

Strawberries are in season in Israel, so of course, I’m thinking of all the ways I can use them. Ripe juicy berries full of vitamins and fiber; I can just feel my health improving. Typically I’ll make a smoothie. However, it’s also the beginning of winter, and I don’t always feel like drinking something heavy…

Brussels Sprouts at Sunrise

Brussels Sprouts at Sunrise Smoothie

Brussels sprouts are everywhere this time of year. They sell them on the stalk, almost like a flower arrangement deserving to be placed in a fancy foyer. After months void of sprouts, it’s tempting to buy Brussels in bulk! The problem is… sometimes you’re left with way too many! I mean, how many days in…

Dragon Fruit & Beet Smoothie

Dragon Fruit and Beet Smoothie

Here in Israel, the produce sections of supermarkets are extremely seasonal. I always know what’s ripe in the fields because they’ll be stacked high at my local market. Right now, it’s dragon fruit, rich, magenta dragon fruit. At the cheap price of $1 USD a fruit, I’ve definitely been buying these babies by the armful….