Beet & Grapefruit Detox Smoothie
I’m still trying to start 2019 off right (can I say that if it’s already March?), and I’ve been developing some smoothies that focus on really boosting my body’s ability to detox effectively.
This week, I’m sharing my red detox smoothie!
I previously talked about the three broad ideas that I follow when I’m detoxing: eating well, reducing inflammation, boosting the liver and kidneys. I also shared my green detox smoothie recipe, which focuses on reducing inflammation.
This week, it’s my beet and grapefruit smoothie that’s getting some love. This delicious blend is designed to give your liver and kidneys a little boost.
As I previously mentioned, grapefruit, beets, and dandelion are all beneficial to the liver. The ginger and turmeric give the smoothie a little extra anti-inflammatory bonus!
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This smoothie is great as a brunch beverage because it tastes so much like grapefruit juice! The beets sweeten it up slightly.
It’s also a great smoothie to drink if you feel a cold coming on, maybe even add scoop full of honey!
Here’s how I made it:

1 cup of dandelion tea (see below)
1 grapefruit
1 cup of chopped beets
½ thumb of ginger
¼ teaspoon of turmeric

The night before, brew a cup of dandelion tea and store it in the fridge so that it will be cold in the morning.
In the morning, supreme the grapefruit: using a sharp knife cut off the rind. You want to see the fruit, not the white pith. Although the pith is great for you, it can be tough and bitter, so I leave it out of this smoothie. Using the knife, slice between the fruit segments and their membranes to remove just the fruit pieces, and add them to the blender. Squeeze the grapefruit over the blender to capture any of the remaining juice.
Peel and chop the beet into medium size cubes. Then peel and chop the ginger.
Throw all of the ingredients in the blender and blend! This smoothie can be a bit tough, so I blended it for a little more time than usual to get it smooth.
I hope you enjoy this smoothie!

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